Airless Refillable Suspendisse potenti Bamboo / fundamentum continens Refillable, Recyclable, Cosmetics packaging Bamboo


C% Bamboo casing (cap + base)

Refillable (materia principalis in PP, airless bottle)

capacitas: 15g/30g/50g

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FSC quis fermentum,

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Yicai bamboo thepackaging efficiunt in C% bamboo armamentario, nullum glutinum et nullum plasticum conveniunt.

Lagena interior systemata refillable cum materia PP.Facilis convenire et facilis seperation for redivivus.Refillable futuit cum quis fermentum turpis.Cap clip cum collaris parte plasticae refill pro clausurae.Plus quam L% reducere vastum, sine fine refillable.Hoc est refillable bamboo packaging pro fundamento, Suspendisse ac ultrices.

Browse our catalog to review more cados bamboo refillable lotion with various sentin options and more smart refillable bamboo lotion packaging solutions.

Confidimus in nostro magno apparatu technico, materia plastica et bamboo casu perfecte comparato, munus salutis spondet.

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